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En 13480 3 Pdf Free Download

Enhancements & Bugfixes to CAEPIPE

CAEPIPE Version 10.40

  • Piping code EN 13480-3 (2017) is updated to EN 13480-3 (2017)/A2:2020. Refer to Piping Code Compliance section of CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
  • For Piping code = ASME B31.1 (2020), Forces and Moments for Sustained and Occasional loads are now combined as per para 104.8.4 (b) of ASME B31.1 (2020) for computing Occasional Stresses. Refer to Piping Code Compliance section titled ASME B31.1 (2020) in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
  • Allowable nozzle loads calculation for nozzles to spherical and cylindrical shells as per European code EN 13445-3: 2009 is updated to EN 13445-3:2014/A8:2019. Refer to Section titled "Nozzle Evaluation" in CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual and CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
  • Improved Modal analysis algorithm for Eigenvalue (frequency) extraction. With this improvement, CAEPIPE can now extract much higher modes (Eigen vectors).
  • New feature is added to turn some wind loads ON and the remaining wind loads OFF for a portion of piping. This can be done by entering "Y(es)" or leaving it "Blank" respectively through Layout Window > Misc > Loads/Beam Loads > Wind Load 1/Wind Load 2/Wind Load 3/Wind Load 4.
  • New feature is added for the user to specify either the "Ground Level" or the "Depth of soil above pipe centre line" while modeling soil in Buried piping so that CAEPIPE will automatically calculate the soil stiffnesses in three directions internally at all buried piping nodes.
  • New feature is added to define "Connected Node" for Snubber.
  • Flange Equivalent Pressure routine is updated as per NC.3658.1 of ASME Section III Class 2 (2017). Refer to section titled "Flange" in CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual for details.
  • New feature is added to show and print Valve Accelerations for Response Spectrum analysis including Maximum values in global directions. Valve Accelerations can be seen through Results Frame > Results > Accelerations > Mouse right click > Show Valve Accelerations. The same can be printed by selecting the option "Accelerations" from the print dialog.
  • New feature is added to show Pipe NS/Pipe OD in Flange List and Flange Report. This will be useful for editing flange data and post-processing of flange report.
  • "Connected Node" data is now output in TXT and CSV files for Skewed Restraint.
  • Setting the environmental variable "EXPORT_INCHES" to "YES" will now export and import moment units in "lb-in" via MBF in addition to exporting and importing length units in "inches" via MBF.
  • Another New feature is added for translating and rotating the graphics model in Graphics Window using a mouse.
    - In Translation mode, use:
    • Ctrl + Mouse Left Button Down and Drag in Horizontal or Vertical for Horizontal or Vertical Translation of Model.
    - In Rotation mode (Turn):
    • Ctrl + Mouse Left Button Down and Drag in Horizonal or Vertical for Rotation in Horizontal or Vertical plane.
  • Displacements results are hidden from "Support Load Summary" as adding "algebraically" displacements for Unsigned load cases such as Seismic load case with displacements from signed cases such as Operating load case is not suitable for models with non-linearities.
  • MBF format is updated to be compatible with CAEPIPE Version 10.40. See Appendix A of CAEPIPE User's Manual for details.
  • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Verification Manual and Code Compliance Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 10.40. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
  • Bug Correction: In-plane and Out-of-plane Moments at Branch Nodes are NOT transformed properly while computing Creep Stresses for Piping Code = EN 13480. This bug exists from CAEPIPE Versions 9.00 through 10.30.
  • Bug Correction: Access violation while exporting the Jacketted Piping stress layout with Guides located on Jacketted Piping to 3D Plant Design system through Layout Window > File > Export to 3D Plant Design.
  • Bug Correction: Type column is output as "Anchor" instead of "Nozzle" in Specified Displacements output for Nozzle in TEXT file format through File > Print > Print to file > Text File (*.txt).
  • Bug Correction: Structure Occupancy Category selected other than III in Wind-ASCE/SEI 7-16 dialog NOT saved in model file for ASCE/SEI 7-16 Wind parameters defined through Layout window > Misc > Wind - ASCE/SEI 7-16.
  • Bug Correction: For Piping Code = IGEM (2012), Local forces and moments screen was displaying the Ip, It and Is corresponding to Cyclic SCF for Sustained and Expansion load cases. This bug exists from CAEPIPE Version 10.10 through 10.30 but did not affect the stress calculations.
  • CAEPIPE Version 10.30

    October 28, 2020

  • Piping code ASME B31.1 (2018) is updated to ASME B31.1 (2020). Refer to Piping Code Compliance section of CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
  • For Piping Code = B31.1, Settlement evaluation as per ASME B31.1 (2020) is now included in the Code Compliance. Refer to Piping Code Compliance section of CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
  • New Material Library is added corresponding to ASME B31.1 (2020).
  • New feature is added to compute design wind forces as per EN 1991-1-4 (2010). Refer to Sections titled "Wind Load - EN 1991-1-4 (2010)" from CAEPIPE User's Manual and "EN 1991-1-4 (2010)" from CAEPIPE Technical Reference and Code Compliance Manuals for details.
  • Static Seismic g's computation is updated to ASCE/SEI 7-16 from ASCE/EI 7-10. Refer to Sections titled "Static Seismic Load - ASCE/SEI 7-16" from CAEPIPE User's Manual & CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual and "Earthquake Load - ASCE/SEI 7-16" from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
  • Design Wind force computation is updated to ASCE/SEI 7-16 from ASCE/EI 7-10. Refer to Sections titled "Wind Load - ASCE/SEI 7-16" from CAEPIPE User's Manual, CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual and CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manuals for details.
  • New feature is added to define external Force as part of Static Seismic load case in Force Data type.
  • New feature added for further automatic discretization of straight pipe elements in buried piping using influence length calculated as per the guidelines provided in ASME B31.1 (2018), Appendix VII. This can be performed through Layout Window > Edit > Refine Nodal Mesh > Buried Piping.
  • New feature is added for changing the Graphics Window background to "Off white" in addition to "Black" and "White". This can be performed through Graphics Window > Options > Background.
  • New feature is added to Turn ON or OFF continuous rendering. This feature will work only when the Layout Window is Active. This feature can be Turned ON or oFF through Main Frame > Preferences > General > Continuous Rendering while modeling.
  • Flyview and highlight of current element/data is now possible while being in continuous rendering mode. Highlight RGB Color can be defined through Main Frame > Preferences > General > RGB.
  • New toggle icon is added in Graphics Window to Show / Hide Dots and Node numbers. Available only when the wireframe mode in ON.
  • Reset option in ASCE/SEI Wind dialog will now delete all wind load data that uses ASCE Wind data.
  • For Piping Code = B31.1 (2020) and B31.3 (2018), a new feature is added to identify CrMo materials using description and apply Weld Strength Reduction Factors as specified in Table 102.4.7-1 of B31.1(2020) and Table 302.3.5 of B31.3(2018). See Code Compliance Manual for details.
  • New iterative routine added to compute the minimum collapse pressure (pm) by increasing the value of ncyl from 2 and above for External Pressure Design calculation as per EN 13480-3 (2017) Chapter 9.
  • New feature is added to disable the option "First-level checks" from Results Window when Sustained (W+P) and/or Expansion (T1) load cases are turned OFF.
  • For Piping Code = EN 13480, Yield stress value is now computed as 1.5 x f (where f is allowable stress entered in CAEPIPE material input). This computed yield value is used in External Pressure design and in computing the Buried Piping allowable stress.
  • MBF format is updated to be compatible with CAEPIPE Version 10.30. See Appendix A of CAEPIPE User's Manual for details.
  • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Verification Manual and Code Compliance Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 10.30. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
  • Bug Correction: Specific Gravity, Additional Weight & Wind Load values for piping elements and Additional Weight & Wind Load values for Beam Elements were not displayed in the dialog "Select Load" than can be launched through Layout Window > Mouse Right Click on Load column for each Piping / Beam element row > Select Load.
  • Bug Correction: Command "Refine Branches for B31J" was looping endlessly when one or more of the connecting elements at Branch SIF have Slope defined.
  • Bug Correction: While printing the External Pressure Design for EN 13480-3 (2017) Chapter 9 results, the title was shown as "Internal Pressure Design for EN 13480-3 (2017) Chapter 9".
  • Bug Correction: Material Name for Miter Bend was truncating to 4 characters when the number of characters defined was greater than 4.
  • CAEPIPE Version 10.20

    April 29, 2020

  • Following piping codes are updated. Refer to Piping Code Compliance section of CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • ASME B31.4 (2019)
    • ASME B31.9 (2017)
    • ASME B31.12 (2019)
  • NEW MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are added. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • ASME B31.4 (2019)
    • ASME B31.9 (2017)
    • ASME B31.12 (2019)
  • Two (2) new load cases, Design (W+PD+TD) and Cold Spring (W+PD+TD) are added to include them in analysis, where PD = Design Pressure and TD = Design Temperature. Cold Spring (W+PD+TD) will be shown only when a cold spring (Cut pipe element) is input into the model. When these load cases are selected for Analysis, CAEPIPE will compute and show results for Displacements, Element Forces & Moments, Support Loads and Support Load Summary. These load cases are NOT included in Stress Calculations, Rotating Equipment Qualifications and Flange Equivalent Pressure Calculations.
  • New feature added to Copy and Paste the following Elements & Data Types through "List Command".
    • Element Type: Valve, Bellowm Slip Joint, Hinge Joint, Ball Joint and Tie Rod.
    • Data Type: Flange, Guide, Limit Stop and Skewed Restraint.
  • New feature is added to prevent Combine command from combining with the Location card.
  • New feature is added to detect and remove BLANK Space(s) from TAG of Supports (such as Anchor, Guide, Limit Stops, etc.) and Nozzle.
  • New feature is added to issue warning message when the "Flange Type" is not defined in the Flange input.
  • New feature is added to remember "show nodes" settings defined through "Graphics Window > Mouse right Click > Show nodes..." or "Graphics Window > View > Show nodes..." until the current CAEPIPE session is closed or the commands such as "Open or Open results or Open Recent Models" are selected.
  • Tag Name is now included for Limit Stop also in CSV output. Tag Names for other Support Types were already available in CSV output since CAEPIPE Version 7.40.
  • In TXT and CSV file output for Guides, "Connected To" and "Gap" information are now included.
  • Import MBF option is enhanced to read up to 500 characters from each line. Up to and including CAEPIPE Versions 10.10, this limit was 256 characters from each line.
  • New feature added to "Include or Exclude Wind" through "Loads" Section in MBF Import. See Appendix A of CAEPIPE User's Manual for details.
  • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Verification Manual and Code Compliance Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 10.30. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
  • Bug Correction: Pressure entered at P10 field was printed as Design pressure in output, when the Number of Thermal Loads is set as 10. This bug had no impact on any CAEPIPE calculations performed by previous versions.
  • Bug Correction: Rotational Bending Stiffness and Rotational Torsional Stiffness were not initialized properly for Ball Joints when they were left BLANK in input.
  • Bug Correction: In Nozzle Qualification module, allowable nozzle loads and moments values for Nozzle connected to Cylindrical Vessel were overlapping with the description in results view and printout. The above problem exists from CAEPIPE Versions 9.00 through CAEPIPE Versions 10.10.
  • Bug Correction: Issues error message "Invalid Nozzle Type" while importing mbf file that contains "Nozzle=5500" (Spherical Nozzle).
  • CAEPIPE Version 10.10

    October 25, 2019

  • Piping code ASME B31.3 (2016) is updated to ASME B31.3 (2018). Refer to Piping Code Compliance chapter in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
  • New piping code ASME B31.12 (2014) is added. Refer to Piping Code Compliance chapter in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
  • New piping code IGEM (2012) is added. Refer to Piping Code Compliance chapter in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
  • NEW MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are added. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • ASME B31.3 (2018)
    • ASME B31.12 (2014)
  • New feature is added to review First-level compliance checks. This can be performed through Results Window > Results > First-level checks. Refer CAEPIPE User's Manual for details.
  • New feature is added to Export Deflected Geometry to PDMS/E3D and CADMATIC. This can be performed through Results Window > File > Export to 3D Plant Design while being in Displacements Results.
  • New Hanger catalog "Gradior" is added. Refer for Hanger Catalog.
  • For Piping Code = NONE, Buried Piping Analysis is now included.
  • Model Batch File (MBF) is updated to the latest version of CAEPIPE. Refer Section titled "Import MBF" and "Export MBF" from Appendix A of CAEIPE User's Manual for details.
  • New feature is added to Export MBF file compatible from Version 6.80 through Version 10.00. This option will help user to have backward compatibility with earlier versions of CAEPIPE. This can be performed through Layout Window > Export to MBF > Model batch file 6.xx format (*.mbf).
  • User can now define the Split Element Length for Run and Branch pipe using a Run split factor and Branch split factor while refining branches for applying SIFs and Flexibility Factors (FFs) as per ASME B31J through Layout Window > Edit > Refine Branches for B31J.
  • Improved Algorithm to compute Stiffnesses for Run Pipe and Branch Pipe at the Branch SIF node when the option ASME B31J is turned ON through Layout Window > Options > Analysis.
  • Internal Pressure Design and External Pressure Design calculations as per EN 13480-3 have been enhanced to include Thickness of Bend and Miter defined through Bend Dialog and Miter Dialog respectively.
  • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Verification Manual and Code Compliance Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 10.10. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
  • Bug Correction: User Allowable Dialog was not showing the Units for Moments.
  • Bug Correction: Soil restraints are not initialized properly for Operating Load Case 4 through Operating Load Case 10 for stress models with non-linearities (such as Limit Stops, Friction and Gaps) when all the three Operating Cases 1, 2 and 3 are NOT turned ON through Layout Window > Loads > Load Cases. Eventhough this bug exists from CAEPIPE Version 7.00 through Version 10.00, it has not affected the results as Operating Case 1 is always turned ON for analysis.
  • Bug Correction: Cone Angle was not computed properly while computing Reducer SIF for ASME B31J option is Turned ON.
  • Bug Correction: For EN 13480 (2017), Buttweld SIF was not computed properly when the nominal wall thickness of pipe is less than 5 mm.
  • CAEPIPE Version 10.00

    May 07, 2019

    • Following piping codes are updated. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
      • ASME B31.1 (2018)
      • ASME B31.8 (2018)
    • UPDATED MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are updated. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
      • ASME B31.1 (2018)
      • ASME B31.8 (2018)
    • New feature is added to compute Static Seismic g's as per ASCE/SEI 7-10. Refer to Sections titled "Static Seismic Load - ASCE/SEI 7-10" from CAEPIPE User's Manual and "ASCE/SEI 7-10" from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • New feature is added to compute design wind forces as per ASCE/SEI 7-10. Refer to Sections titled "Wind Load - ASCE/SEI 7-10" from CAEPIPE User's Manual and "ASCE/SEI 7-10" from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • New feature is added to include or exclude Insulation Thickness for Buried Pipe Section while calculating the maximum soil loads and resulting soil stiffnesses. This can be included or excluded through Layout Window > Misc > Soils. Refer Section titled "Buried Piping" from CAEPIPE Technical Reference Manual for details.
    • Number of Characters for Support Tag is increased to 14 from 11.
    • New feature is added to input In-plane and Out-of-Plane SIFs in User SIF input dialog when piping code = NONE.
    • For Piping Code = EN13480, Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) for Reducers and Welds are calculated using Table H.1 of EN 13480-3 (2017) as Table H.3 does not provide SIF equations for these elements. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • Allowable Pressure calculations for Miter Bends are updated for ASME B31.1 (2018) and ASME B31.3 (2016) as detailed in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual.
    • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Verification Manual and Code Compliance Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 10.0. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
    • Bug Correction: CAEPIPE was not turning ON the Creep Analysis for the applicable codes when the Maximum Temperature is defined at T4 through T10.
    • Bug Correction: In CAEPIPE B31.1 Material Library, for a few materials with Joint Efficiency Factor (E) < 1.00, the value of Allowable Stress (S) is entered as "SE" instead of "S". For example, for material "A53 GRADE B (ERW)", the Joint Efficiency Factor (E) is 0.85 and the Allowable Stress (S) is entered as 14600 psi instead of 17176 psi (= 14600/0.85).

    CAEPIPE Version 9.01

    January 24, 2019

    • New feature added to reset the Anchor Displacement Type from Local Coordinate System (LCS) to Global Coordinate System (GCS) when CAEPIPE is not able to compute the Local Axis Direction for an Anchor with its Specified Displacements entered in Pipe LCS.
    • Bug Correction: Issuing error message as "Unable to locate Anchor local direction" even for Anchors with its Specified Displacements entered in Global Coordinate System (GCS).
    • Bug Correction: Inplane and Outplane Moments at Branch Nodes are NOT transformed properly for Piping Code="ASME B31.1 or ASME B31.9" with "B31J Turned ON" and for Piping Code=EN13480 with Table H3.

    CAEPIPE Version 9.00

    October 10, 2018

    • Two (2) Nuclear piping codes are added as given below. Refer Piping Code Compliance section of CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
      • ASME Section III, NC - Class 2 (2017)
      • ASME Section III, ND - Class 3 (2017)
    • New module added to evaluate Hollow Circular Attachment (Lug) and Solid Rectangular Attachment (Lug) welded to Pipe as per the following Nuclear and European codes. Refer Technical Reference Manual and Code Compliance Manual for details on implementation. This module can be accessed through Main Frame > File > New > Lug Evaluation. Download Tutorial from here.
      • ASME Section III, Division 1, 2010 - NC
      • ASME Section III, Division 1, 2010 - ND
      • EN 13480-3 (2017) - Section 11
    • New module added to calculate local shell stresses as per WRC Bulletin 537 and evaluate those stresses as per ASME Section VIII, Division 2 for Nozzles attached to Cylindrical and Spherical Vessels. Refer Technical Reference Manual and Code Compliance Manual for details on implementation. This module can be accessed through Main Frame > File > New > Nozzle Evaluation. Download Tutorial from here.
    • For Refrigeration Piping Code ASME B31.5, the feature Show/Hide "Operating Stress for NDE" is modified to Show/Hide "Operating Stress for Impact Test" calculated in accordance with Para. 523.2.2 (f)(4) of B31.5 (2016) code.
    • For Piping Code = EN13480, Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) are now calculated using Table H.3 of EN 13480-3 (2017) instead of Table H.1. Accordingly, the Code Compliance Manual is now updated to include SIFs as per Table H.3.
    • For Piping Code = EN13480, Settlement evaluation as per EN 13480-3 (2017) is now included in the Code Compliance. Refer Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • For Piping Code = EN13480, Buried Portion of Piping Stresses are now evaluated as per EN 13480-6 (2017) in Code Compliance. Refer Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • CAEPIPE can now import neutral files generated from CAESAR II versions up to and including 10.0 (CAESAR II 2018).
    • New feature added to print Flexibility Factors in Element forces results of CAEPIPE. This feature is not available for CSV and TEXT file outputs.
    • New feature added to show Signed Forces and/or Moments with Maximum Absolute Magnitude under Support Loads for Time History Load results. This can be accessed through Results Window > Results > Results... > Time History > Support Loads.
    • New Material Type "CI: Cast Iron" is added in Material Input and Material Library Input.
    • In Centre of Gravity (COG) Report, "Additional Weight" is now excluded from "Empty Weight" and shown as a separate line item.
    • For Piping Code = NONE, CAEPIPE internally always uses "Algebraic Sum" for Static Seismic Combination. Hence, the Static Seismic Combination is set to "Algebraic sum" by default and is disabled for user to modify.
    • Starting CAEPIPE Version 9.00, a new CAEPIPE Review module is made available free of any license fees and can be downloaded from here. This module can be used to read, review, print, and plot CAEPIPE models of any size and their results. This module can also be used to import and review CAESAR II input neutral files as well as PipePak input neutral files.
    • CAEPIPE Verification Manual, Code Compliance Manual, Technical Reference Manual and User's Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 9.00. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
    • Bug Correction: For Piping Code = B31.1, B31.3 and B31.5, Pressure Coefficient "Y" was set to 0.0 for Carbon Steel. Starting Version 9.00, Pressure Coefficient "Y" is set to 0.4 for Carbon Steel and 0.0 for Cast Iron. Refer Code Compliance Manual for details on implementation of Pressure Coefficient "Y" for different codes.
    • Bug Correction: Axial forces developed in Tie Rods with Gap defined were not calculated properly. This bug exists in all versions of CAEPIPE up to V8.0.
    • Bug Correction: For Time History loading, CAEPIPE was not displaying the "Moment" value properly for "Rotational Skewed Restraint" seen through Results Window > Results > Results... > Time History > Support Loads.
    • Bug Correction: "Additional Weight" was not added properly to the "Empty Weight" in Centre of Gravity (COG) report.
    • Bug Correction: Specified Displacement entered in Local Coordinate System (LCS) with Anchor defined in Global Coordinate System (GCS) was not printing the Anchor Loads properly.
    • Bug Correction: Title for Element forces in GCS was printed wrongly as "Pipe forces (local)" in Table of Contents.
    • Correction in Documentation: The Option "Refine Element at Branches" in the software inserts additional Nodes in Run and in Branch at a distance of OD/2 from the Branch centerline-to-Run centerline intersection, where OD is the outer diameter of the run pipe. On the other hand, User Manual of CAEPIPE V8.0 had a note with this distance mentioned as OD of run pipe.
    • Correction in Documentation: As per B31J, when the bend angle is 90 deg and the thickness of the bend is equal to the thickness of the matching pipe, the bend flexibility factors Ki and Ko should be calculated from 1.3/h. This is not implemented in CAEPIPE software at this time. A new Note is added in CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual to convey this to the users.

    CAEPIPE Version 8.00

    June 22, 2018

    • Piping Code SS EN 13480-3 (2012) is updated to SS EN13480-3 (2017). Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • Pressure design of pipe and pipe fittings for internal and external pressure as per European Code EN 13480-3 (2012) has been updated to European Code EN 13480-3 (2017)
    • New feature added to compute Stress Intensification Factors (SIFs) and Flexibility Factors (FFs) as per ASME B31J-2017. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details on implementation.
    • New feature added to Refine Elements at Branches for calculating Flexibility Factors at Branches as per ASME B31J-2017. This can be performed through Layout Window > Edit > Refine Branches for B31J.
    • New feature added to include Empty Weight Load Case in analysis.
    • New feature added to input Axial and Torsional SIFs in User SIF for applicable codes.
    • New feature added to export Hanger Report to LICAD software. This can be done through "Results Window > File > Export..." while being in "Hanger Report" results.
    • New feature added to calculate Allowable Pressure using Design Temperature and compare against Design Pressure. These Design values can be input through Loads window.
    • New feature added to increase / decrease the symbol size. This can be done through Graphics Frame > View > Increase Symbol Size / Decrease Symbol Size or using Ctrl+Numpad8 or Ctrl+Numpad2 respectively.
    • New feature added to change DX, DY and DZ values for the specified rows through Change command. This can be performed through Layout Window > Edit > Change.
    • New feature added to output itemized element weights (Empty Weight, Fluid Weight, Additional Weight, Insulation Weight and Lining Weight) in BOM. This feature is available for output to Printer and .csv file. This feature is NOT available for .txt file output.
    • File dialog can now be resized to display the file details.
    • New feature added to output High Density (HD) rendered graphics. This can be done through Graphics Window > Print > Resolution > HD while being in Rendered Graphics mode.
    • CAEPIPE will now remember the Valve Library file last selected and will not prompt for opening every time when Valve Library option is selected.
    • Following Shortcuts are added for efficient modeling, editing and review of results.
      • Layout Window
      • F12 - Shortcut to execute Analyze command from Layout Window. F12 will work only when the .res file is not available for the stress model.
      • Ctrl+G - Shortcut to execute "Generate" command in Layout Window.
        Graphics Window
      • Ctrl+Shift+X - To view the Model in Global X direction (View X - 1,0,0).
      • Ctrl+Shift+Y - To view the model in Global Y direction (View Y - 0,1,0).
      • Ctrl+Shift+Z - To view the model in Global Z direction (View Z - 0,0,1).
      • Ctrl+Shift+I - To view the model in Isometric (View ISO - 1,1,1).
        Results Window
      • Ctrl+I - Shortcut to switch to Layout Window for editing from the Results Window.
      • F12 - Shortcut to switch to Layout Window for editing while being in Layout Window opened through Results Window (i.e., Layout Window launched through Results Window > Window > Layout).
      • Ctrl+D - Shortcut toggle to show/hide the deflected shape. Valid while reviewing the Displacements, Frequency and Mode shapes.
      • Ctrl+Shift+A - Shortcut toggle to show/hide the animated deflected shape. Valid while reviewing the Displacements, Frequency and Mode shapes.
    • Bug Correction: Editing valve data in the Valve Library was not refreshing the List window properly.
    • Bug correction: For Ball Joints, CAEPIPE was not printing the values correctly in both 'yy' and 'zz' rotation columns in CSV output.
    • Bug correction: When an Anchor is defined in Global Coordinate System with Specified Displacement in Local Coordinate System, the variable is not initialized properly and hence was producing a large displacement.
    • Bug correction: For Piping Code = NONE, Elastic Modulus option selected was not shown in Analysis Option dialog.
    • Bug correction: CAEPIPE allowed the keyword "Title=" to be edited and/or removed from the first fixed row of stress model using Mouse double click. This made CAEPIPE to issue "Access Violation".

    CAEPIPE Version 7.90

    November 24, 2017

    • Following piping codes are updated. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
      • ASME B31.3 (2016)
      • ASME B31.4 (2016)
      • ASME B31.8 (2016)
    • UPDATED MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are updated. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
      • ASME B31.3 (2016); Properties for new material A587 is added now.
      • ASME B31.4 (2016)
      • ASME B31.8 (2016)
    • For PipingCode = B31.4 (2016), CAEPIPE by default combine stresses for Restrained piping based on Maximum Shear Stress Theory. Alternatively, user can configure CAEPIPE to combine stresses for Restrained piping using Maximum Distortion Energy Theory by defining an Environmental variable with name "DET_314" and setting its value to "YES". Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • For PipingCode = B31.8 (2016), CAEPIPE by default combine stresses for Restrained piping based on Maximum Shear Stress Theory. Alternatively, user can configure CAEPIPE to combine stresses for Restrained piping using Maximum Distortion Energy Theory by defining an Environmental variable with name "DET_318" and setting its value to "YES". Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • CAEPIPE Verification Manual have been updated to include three (3) Example problems given in Appendix S of ASME B31.3 (2016).
    • CAEPIPE Verification Manual and Code Complaince Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 7.90. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
    • Bug correction: If the computed value of (E x Alpha x Delta T) is equal to 0.00 for Restrained portion of Piping when Piping Code = B31.4 OR B31.8, then CAEPIPE was NOT printing the Restrained Stresses in Sorted Stresses and Code Compliance report.
    • Bug correction: In version 7.80 of CAEPIPE, when EN 13480 Material Library is opened, the piping code changed to Z662. This happened because of the addition of ASME Class 2 (2015) code in V7.80.
    • Bug correction: Defining the Specified Displacements in LCS for Anchor at a free standing node erased the model data from .mod file.
    • Bug correction: For Piping Code = Z662, Wind1 through Wind4 were not analyzed and reported in the results.
    • Bug correction: Editing valve data in Valve Library was not refreshing the valve library window properly.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.80

    June 05, 2017

    • Piping Code CODETI(2006) is updated to CODETI (2013). Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for more details.
    • New ASME Section III, NC - Class 2 (2015) piping code is added. Refer Piping Code Compliance from CAEPIPE Code Compliance Manual for details.
    • New feature added to define Specified Rotations in Local Coordinate System (LCS) for Anchor.
    • New feature added to include Linear Thermal Expansion for Bellows. The Support loads and/or Displacements produced using earlier versions of CAEPIPE for models with bellows may differ when they are analyzed using CAEPIPE V7.80.
    • New feature added to check Branch Points not defined with Brach SIF. This can be performed through Layout window > Misc > Check Branch SIF.
    • New feature added to check and issue warning message when Compressor Shaft Axis is not in horizontal plane.
    • Soil restraints results now include "Soil Name" and "Soil Type".
    • New feature added to highlight Beam Section, Beam Load and Beam Material.
    • New feature added to plot color coded rendered 3D Graphics based on Specific Gravity defined. This feature helps in identifying different services used in different portions of a piping system. This can be performed by selecting the option "Color Graphics using Sp. Gr" by mouse right click on "List Loads" window while being in Color Graphics plot.
    • New feature added to increase or decrease font size using "Ctrl + Up" and "Ctrl + Down".
    • New feature added to issue warning message when Insulation Density is defined without defining the Insulation Thickness or vice versa.
    • New feature added to issue warning message when Lining Density is defined without defining Lining Thickness or vice versa.
    • New feature added to remember unit settings of Wind 1 for defining Wind 2, Wind 3 and Wind 4.
    • AISC Beam Library is now updated to include "J" and other missing properties. In addition, "Torsional Inertia" is changed to "Torsional Constant" in line with AISC Standard.
    • CAEPIPE User's Manual, Technical Reference Manual, Code Compliance Manual and Verification Manual have been enhanced and updated to be in line with software version 7.80. These Manuals can be downloaded from here.
    • Bug correction: Stress values shown in legend of Color Coded Graphics were overlapping.
    • Bug correction: B1 Index for Miter Bend was not calculated properly for all earlier versions (1986, 1990 and 1992) of ASME Class 2 codes. This bug exists in all versions of CAEPIPE up to V7.70.
    • Bug correction: For Anchors defined using Global Stiffnesses and Local Displacements, the Support loads were not calculated properly. This bug exists in CAEPIPE Versions 6.70 through 7.70.
    • Bug correction: Specified Displacements for T3 through T10 were not printed in TXT and CSV file output. In addition, Specified Displacements for Seismic and Settlement cases were not printed properly in TXT and CSV file output.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.70

    October 28, 2016

    • CAEPIPE can now import neutral files generated from CAESAR II versions up to and including 8.0 (CAESAR II 2016).
    • Following piping codes are updated. Refer Annexure-A of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for more details.
      • ASME B31.1 (2016)
      • ASME B31.5 (2016)
      • ASME B31.9 (2014)
    • UPDATED MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are updated.
      • ASME B31.1 (2016)
      • ASME B31.5 (2016)
      • EN 13480-3 (2012)
    • New Canadian piping code Z662 (2015) is added. Refer Annexure A of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for details.
    • As per para. 519.4.5(a) of ASME B31.5 (2016) code, Bending and torsional stresses shall be computed using the as-installed modulus of elasticity, i.e., modulus at installation temperature. Hence, "Use modulus at reference temperature" (available through CAEPIPE Layout > Options > Analysis > Temperature) is set as "default" and is disabled for user to modify.
    • As per para. 402.2.2 of ASME B31.4 (2012) and para. 832.2 (g) of ASME B31.8 (2012), flexibility calculations shall be based on the modulus of elasticity at ambient temperature, i.e., modulus at reference temperature. Hence, "Use modulus at reference temperature" (available through CAEPIPE Layout > Options > Analysis > Temperature) is set as "default" and is disabled for user to modify.
    • As per para. of EN 13480-3 (2012), values of the modulus of elasticity Et used for flexibility analysis shall be the value taken at the temperature of the piping load under consideration, i.e., modulus at operating temperature. Hence, "Use temperature dependent modulus" (available through CAEPIPE Layout > Options > Analysis > Temperature) is set as "default" and is disabled for user to modify.
    • API Standard 610 is updated to API Standard 610 (Eleventh Edition, Sep 2010) / ISO 13709:2009. Refer Annexure D of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for more details.
    • Fourteen (14) new Spectrum Libraries have been added corresponding to EL Centro (May 18, 1940), Uniform Building Code (1991 Edition) and Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Guide 1.60 [July 2014, Revision 2]. Refer to Annexure E of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for more details.
    • New feature added to Export Material Library to an ASCII Material Library Batch file (.mlb). This can be performed through Material Library window > File > Export... Refer Annexure F of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for details.
    • New feature added to Import Material Library using an ASCII Material Library Batch file (.mlb). This can be performed through "Material Library window > File > Import...". Refer Annexure F of ReadmeSupplement_770.pdf for details on Material Library Batch file format.
    • As per Clause 12.3.1 of EN 13480 (2012), the Pressure Stress option "Pd^2 / (D^2 - d^2)" is replaced with "[Pd^2 / (D^2 - d^2)] + [P/2]".
    • New Feature added to validate Branch SIFs defined in the stress model against those SIFs applicable for the selected piping code before saving the model. If any Branch SIF defined in the stress model does not match with those applicable for the piping code selected, an option is given to change that Branch SIF before saving the model.
    • New Feature added to edit all columns of "Loads" window under List command.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while trying to merge the model with Beam Load defined.
    • Bug correction: Wind loads for Bends, Miter Bends and Jacketed Bends are not calculated properly. This bug exists from Version 7.0 through Version 7.60.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.60

    July 22, 2016

    • New feature added for introducing Intermediate Mass Points based on Mass Modeling Frequency entered by the user. This feature can be accessed through Layout window > Edit > Refine Nodal Mesh. Refer Annexure A of ReadmeSupplement_760.pdf for more details.
    • Dynamic Susceptibility stresses calculation is enhanced to include the Stress Intensification Factor (SIF) as per Annex A of EN 13480-3.
    • New feature added to export in .csv format element forces and moments in Local coordinate system contributed by each mode participating in Response Spectrum analysis. CAEPIPE will automatically name the csv file by appending "_MFM" to the primary name of the model file name. Refer Annexure B of ReadmeSupplement_760.pdf for details.
    • New feature added to combine element forces and moments, support loads and displacements using NRL summation method for Response Spectrum loads. Refer to Annexure C of ReadmeSupplement_760.pdf for more details.
    • Refinement of Nodal Mesh for buried piping (that was implemented in Version 7.50) has been moved and combined with the option "Refine Nodal Mesh" available through Layout Window > Edit. Refer Annexure D of ReadmeSupplement_760.pdf for details.
    • Bug Correction: Generic Support input was not allowing the user to enter negative values for off-diagonal terms.
    • Bug Correction: Support load for Generic Support was not combined properly for Response Spectrum loads. This bug exists from Version 6.60 through Version 7.50.
    • Bug Correction: Friction force was computed and shown for Limit Stop loads output even with a small lateral displacement value of 1E-05 inch.
    • Bug Correction: Inserting a new row in the layout window disabled the "Location" element type in the "Element Dialog".
    • Bug Correction: Field "Inside Diameter of Reverse Flange" was not disabled for other Flange Types in the module "Flange Model".
    • Bug Correction: Copy & Paste command was locating the additional support defined at the same node using "Location" card to a new node that does not exist.
    • Bug Correction: Unable to find the local x direction of the Ball Joint when the fields DX, DY and DZ are BLANK in the Layout window for an element preceding the Ball Joint.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.50

    February 24, 2016

    • CAEPIPE can now import neutral files generated from CAESAR II versions upto and including 7.0.
    • New feature added to define and perform analysis of Pressure Relief Valve loading. This can be launched through Layout Window > Misc > Relief valve loading. Refer Annexure B of ReadmeSupplement_750.pdf for more details.
    • New feature added for automatic discretization of elements for buried piping as per the guidelines provided in ASME B31.1 (2014), Appendix VII. This can be performed through Layout Window > Edit > Refine buried piping layout. Refer Annexure C of ReadmeSupplement_750.pdf for more details.
    • Material properties for P235GH, P265GH, P295GH and EN 1.4541 have been updated in EN13480-2009 material library in line with EN 10216 properties and reissued with this release.
    • Headings for "User Allowables" input in Layout Window > Misc menu are revised as "FX/P", "FY/VL", "FZ/VC", "MX/MT", "MY/MC" and "MZ/ML" to provide clarity for entering allowable loads for "Anchor" and "Nozzle", as "Anchor" allowables are in "Global" coordinates and "Nozzle" allowables are in "Local" coordinates. Similarly, the heading "Axial" is revised to "Radial" in Nozzle Stiffness and Nozzle Support Load Summary outputs in CAEPIPE.
    • Renumbering an element node number through Layout Window will also renumber all nodes that appear in "Connected to", Pumps, Compressors, Turbines and User Allowables in the remaining portions of the piping system.
    • Bug Correction: CAEPIPE was printing blank pages when the option "Table of Contents" included and the option "Q.A. Block" was excluded while printing model and results from Results frame.
    • Bug Correction: fh = min(fc; f; fcr) as per Eq. 12.1.3-3 of EN 13480-3 (2012) was incorrectly computed as min(ff; fcr). Details on software modifications are provided in Annexure A of Readme_Supplement_V750.pdf.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while merging the models developed using CAEPIPE Version 7.40.
    • Bug correction: When CAEPIPE version 6.90 or above opens a model that was generated using CAEPIPE versions earlier than 6.90, "Connected To" node of Guides, Hangers, Limit Stops and Skewed Restraints connecting to Bend / Jpipe / JBend was not converted properly.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.40

    September 30, 2015

    • Following piping codes are updated. Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v740.pdf for more details.
      • ASME B31.1 (2014)
      • ASME B31.3 (2014)
    • UPDATED MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are updated.
      • ASME B31.1 (2014)
      • ASME B31.3 (2014)
    • New feature added to Copy and Paste "User Allowables".
    • New feature added to print "Table of Contents" at the beginning of the report when the same is included for printing (to a printer). This feature is not available for "Print Preview".
    • New feature added to store and print "Revision Record" of a CAEPIPE stress model. This can be launched through Layout window > File > Revision Record.
    • New feature added to define and print a "Tag Name" for all support types including Anchors and Nozzles.
    • New optional feature added to print "Frequency" and "Mode Shapes" results in the .csv file during command line execution. This can be triggered by defining an environmental variable "MODAL" with value set to "YES".
    • New feature added to input "Axial Allowable" for FRP materials. This allowable is used to compare against the "Axial Stresses" computed for FRP materials.
    • New optional feature added to export model to MBF file with length units in "Inches" if the same is defined in inches in .mod file. This can be triggered by defining an environmental variable "EXPORT_INCHES" with value set to "YES". This option is introduced to maintain the accuracy of the model by avoiding rounding-off issues while exporting and importing via MBF.
    • CAUTION: Importing the MBF model exported with this feature turned ON using an older version of CAEPIPE will result in wrong length values.

    • Negative temperature property rows for a few materials from B31.3 (2012) with "alpha" values not defined are removed from B31.3 (2012) material library (file: b313-2012.mat). The updated material library file is supplied along with this version.
    • Bug Correction: Header for Anchor Support Loads and Restraint Support Loads are not printed properly in .csv file output.
    • Bug Correction: When a "User Hanger" is defined in the stress model, then the element next to this node was not written properly to PCF file while exporting to PCF.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.30

    May 22, 2015

    • New module added to export the stress layout in PCF file from CAEPIPE. This can be launched through Layout Window > File > Export to PCF. Refer to ReadmeSupplement_v730.pdf for details.
    • New module added to perform pressure design of pipe and pipe fittings for internal and external pressure as per European code EN 13480-3 (2012). This can be launched through Layout Window > Misc > Internal Pressure Design EN 13480-3 or Layout Window > Misc > External Pressure Design EN 13480-3. Refer to ReadmeSupplement_v730.pdf for details.
    • New feature added to calculate the local y and local z directions based on nozzle local x direction for calculating stiffness of nozzle attached to spherical vessel.
    • Bug Correction: Assertion failure while opening results file after switching off wind 2 or wind 3 or wind 4 load cases.
    • Bug Correction: While opening a nozzle qualification input file (.noz) for Nozzle to Cylinder as per EN 13445-3:2009, the description in the CAEPIPE dialog box is shown as "Mean Shell Radius" instead of "Mean Shell Diameter". This bug does not affect the implementation.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.21

    February 20, 2015

    • Redefining a model's vertical axis without affecting the layout of the piping system will automatically redefine elements, data types, direction of wind loads, seismic G factors, Pumps, Compressors and Turbines except Beta angle of Beams, Time Varying loads, Force Spectrum loads and Generic Supports.
    • Allowable stresses columns are now included in CSV output for sorted stresses.
    • Four digit year format is now included in both "Print" and "Print to file" option.
    • Bug Correction: Anchor stiffnesses were transferred incorrectly when model's vertical axis was redefined without affecting the layout of the piping system. This bug exists only in version 7.20.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.20

    February 04, 2015

    • New module added to calculate allowable nozzle loads for nozzles to spherical and cylindrical shells as per European code EN 13445-3: 2009. This module can be launched through CAEPIPE Main Window > New > Nozzle Qualification.
    • New feature added to calculate local shell stiffnesses for nozzles connected to spherical shells.
    • New feature added for assessment of piping loads applied on nozzles on Rotodynamic Pumps as per ANSI/HI 9.6.2-2011.
    • New feature added to calculate Angular Stiffness of Bellows when the Axial Stiffness and Mean Diameter of Bellows are input.
    • New feature added to Find and Repeat Find text inside comments. This can be performed through View->Find Text (Ctrl+Shift+F). Repeat Find can be performed by pressing "Ctrl+F3".
    • Double clicking on a comment row will allow the user to edit/copy/paste strings from Windows clipboard.
    • New feature added for redefining a model's vertical axis without affecting the layout of the piping system.
    • Double clicking the left mouse button on any area inside the Graphics window redefines that area as the center point of graphical display.
    • New feature added to show stress units in color coded stresses plot.
    • New optional feature is added to change the graphic rendering of a Valve symbol. This feature can be enabled by defining an environmental variable with name "Valve_Symbol" by setting its value to "NEW".
    • Global Displacements shown in Support Load Summary results are now included in CSV output.
    • New feature added to check and skip the SIF value specified while importing a CAESAR II neutral file when the Branch SIF type is defined inside the file.
    • Bug Correction: Same Node numbers were repeated for all Beam Elements while displaying the Element Forces in Global Coordinate System for Beam elements. This bug affected only the screen display and not the output printing.
    • Bug Correction: CAEPIPE would freeze after analysis when a material was selected from a library created using CAEPIPE version 6.8 or earlier. This was due to the change in number of characters for Material name from 3 to 5.
    • Bug Correction: Hyperbolic tangent was used instead of arctangent for calculating rotation angle when the slope value was entered in Rotate elements command.
    • Bug correction: A wrong conversion factor was used while encoding and decoding the "Additional weight" values from CAEPIPE input module to .mbf output and vice versa. This bug went unnoticed as the same conversion factor was used to divide and multiply the "Additional weight" values from CAEPIPE to mbf and vice versa.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.10

    June 03, 2014

    • UNDO: CAEPIPE can now perform an UNDO operation 1024 times (includes most user-input actions through Layout, List and Graphics windows).
    • REDO: CAEPIPE can now perform a REDO operation 1024 times (includes most user-input actions through Layout, List and Graphics windows).
    • New feature added to combine current PIPE/BEND element with previous PIPE element.
    • New feature added to split an element into multiple segments.
    • Maximum and Minimum values of Support Load Summary will not be highlighted / shown in RED when the User-allowables are not entered by the user.
    • Printing of Pipe Loads in text format is improved for 10 thermal loadings.
    • Bug Correction: Assertion failure while analyzing model with Beam Elements and with number of thermal loads greater than 3.
    • Bug Correction: Pressure and Temperature values were not printed properly with SI units selected in output when number of loads was greater than 3.
    • Bug Correction: Allowable pressure for flange was not stored properly in Flange detailed analysis module (Flange Stress Calculation as per ASME Section VIII Div. 1).
    • Bug Correction: Limit Stop header was not printed properly in csv format.

    CAEPIPE Version 7.00

    October 23, 2013

    • INCREASED NUMBER OF THERMAL LOADS: The number of Thermal Loads is increased from 3 to 10. This can be initialized through Layout window > Options > Analysis > Temperature.
    • INCREASED NUMBER OF WIND LOADS: The number of Wind Loads are increased to 4. This can be defined through Layout window > Loads > Wind, Wind2, Wind3 and Wind4.
    • LOT MORE LOAD CASES/COMBINATIONS: With the above new features, CAEPIPE now can perform analysis for
      • 10 Thermal Loads
      • 4 Wind cases
      • 10 Thermal Displacements for Anchors and Nozzles
      • 95+ load combinations
      • Expansion Stresses for 50+ thermal ranges
      • Flange Equivalent Pressure for 10 Operating cases. Highest of 10 Operating cases is reported in the output
      • Support Load Summary for 150+ combinations and
      • Rotating Equipment reports for 10 Operating cases
    • UPDATED B31 and EN PIPING CODES: Following piping codes are updated. Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v7.pdf for more details.
      • ASME B31.1 (2012)
      • ASME B31.3 (2012)
      • ASME B31.4 (2012)
      • ASME B31.5 (2013)
      • ASME B31.8 (2012)
      • EN 13480 (2012)
    • UPDATED MATERIAL LIBRARIES: Material libraries for the following codes are updated.
      • ASME B31.1 (2012)
      • ASME B31.3 (2012)
      • ASME B31.4 (2012)
      • ASME B31.5 (2013)
      • ASME B31.8 (2012)
    • NEW API 610: API Standard 610 is updated to API Standard 610 (Tenth Edition, 2004) / ISO 13709.
    • USER-DEFINED ALLOWABLES: New feature added to define "User Allowables" for Anchors, Generic Supports, Nozzles and Restraints through Misc > User Allowables. The allowables thus defined are compared against calculated loads and printed in Support Load Summary outputs. If the calculated loads exceed the allowables, they are highlighted in red.
    • New buttons added to define direction of Limit Stop and Skewed Restraint in Axial, Shear y and Shear z directions of piping while inputting.
    • CHANGE IN THERMAL ALLOWABLE CALC: Starting with this version, Cold allowable (Sc) and Hot allowable (Sh) used in Thermal Stress calculations are modified as follows for all codes.
      • For Expansion Cases T1 through T10, Cold allowable (Sc) = Minimum(Tref, Tn) and Hot allowable (Sh) = Maximum(Tref, Tn), where n = 1 to 10
      • For Thermal Ranges Tx-Ty, Cold allowable (Sc) = Minimum(Tx, Ty) and Hot allowable (Sh) = Maximum(Tx, Ty), where x = 1 to 10 and y = 1 to 10 and also x != y.
    • New feature added to include the direction of Limit Stop in Support Load Summary heading to identify different Limit Stops defined at a particular node.
    • Hanger catalog "COMET" has been updated to include two new ranges, V4 and V5.
    • NOTE: For FRP Material Allowables, since CAEPIPE uses the user-input axial allowables for hoop allowables, in cases where both are different from each other, the reported Hoop stress/Allowable ratios will be incorrect. Please enter the correct allowables for hoop (under Axial All.) and re-analyze model for the correct hoop stress/allowable ratios.
    • Bug Correction: Element forces in global coordinates for Beams were not printed properly in the output (i.e., through printer, text file, csv file and print preview). However, results displayed on screen were correct.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.90

    June 21, 2013

    • Mouse Scroll Button Up and Down will Zoom In and Zoom Out the graphics.
    • Find and Replace command now includes feature to find and replace Materials, Sections and Loads.
    • New feature added to toggle lists. Ctrl + Left Arrow key for Previous List and Ctrl + Right Arrow key for Next List.
    • CAEPIPE now updated to have Node numbers up to 99,999 from the current 9,999.
    • New option added to include single weight of flange from ANSI and EUROPEAN flange library.
    • Bug correction: Accessing Beam Section from Beam library created using earlier version of CAEPIPE was not selected properly in Beam Section input.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.81

    February 13, 2013

    • Bug correction: Material Name, Section Name and Load Name for Jpipe and Jbend was not updated to 5 characters.
    • Bug correction: Material Name for Bend was not updated to 5 characters.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.80

    February 6, 2013

    • Allowable Stress (Sall) equation used for calculating Operating Stresses for NDE is modified. Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v680.pdf for details.
    • New module added to calculate flange stresses as per ASME Section VIII Div.1. This module can be launched through Main Frame > New > Flange Model. Refer Annexure-B of ReadMeSupplement_v680.pdf for details.
    • Length of the Material Name, Section Name, Load Name, Beam Material Name, Beam Section Name and Beam Load Name is increased to 5 from 3.
    • 200+ new materials are added to CAEPIPE material library for B31.1 (2010) and B31.3 (2010) codes.
    • Valve library is enhanced to include its weight for different categories of valves.
    • Improved convergence routine for eigen value extraction.
    • New feature added to check for negative bend angle values while importing CAESAR II neutral file and correct the same in CAEPIPE.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while merging the model.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while editing nozzle displacements.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while analyzing model imported from CAESAR II with Branch SIF type defined as 0.
    • Bug correction: Access Violation while importing PipePak neutral file with Hanger defined without details.
    • Bug correction: Access Violation while importing PipePak neutral file with empty line(s) before end of file.
    • Bug correction: Check MES command was shown in evaluation version of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug correction: When Pressure Thrust is defined for a Slip Joint, Support loads for Sustained Case was not calculated properly.
    • Bug correction: Element lengths in imported Pipepak models were offset by one element for Bellows, Cut-Pipe, Reducers and Valves.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.70

    September 05, 2012

    • New feature added to define Anchor and Specified displacements in the local coordinate system.
    • New feature added to calculate Operating Stresses for Non Destructive Examination (NDE). This can be seen through Results Window > Sorted Stresses > Mouse right-click > Show Operating Stress for NDE. Printing of Operating Stresses in CSV and TXT file formats is not available in CAEPIPE at this time. Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v670.pdf for details.
    • New feature added to change Occasional load factor (k) for EN13480 piping code, available under Layout window > Options > Analysis > Code > EN13480.
    • New feature added to increase number of digits to 7 decimals for inputting the length data and printing the output other than to TXT and CSV formats. This feature can be enabled by defining an environmental variable with name "INCREASE_DIGITS" and setting its value to "YES".
    • DIN Flange library is now included in CAEPIPE.
    • CAEPIPE can now import neutral files generated from CAESAR II v5.3.
    • Results window > View > Center of Gravity now shows a breakup of the total weight of a piping system (piping, insulation, contents etc.).
    • For piping code = B31.4 (2009), Analysis option "Include axial force in stress calculations" is always turned ON and grayed out in CAEPIPE as per ASME B31.4 (2009).
    • Bug correction: Bourdon effect was added twice for bends. This bug exists in all earlier 5.xy up to 6.51 versions of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug correction: For piping code = B31.3 or B31.4 or B31.8, Analysis option "Include axial force in stress calculations" was not turned ON internally for models converted from earlier versions of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug correction: For piping code = B31.8 (2010), "Include axial force in stress calculations" was included in Expansion stress for "Unrestrained" piping even though the code did not require the axial force to be added to Expansion stress for "Unrestrained" piping.
    • Bug correction: The option to "Find Node" was disabled while displaying loads for Limit stop in Results.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.61

    June 29, 2012

    • New feature added to recover the graphics if CAEPIPE crashes during inputting the model. This can be done in two ways.
      a. Open the model, enter the data to complete the inputs and save. Re-open the model to recover the graphics.
      b. Open the model, enter the data to complete the inputs and save. Select "Recover graphics" through Graphics Window > Options.
    • Dragging and dropping .mbf file on CAEPIPE.exe will import, analyze and produce the results in .csv format and close program. On the other hand, dragging and dropping the .mod file on CAEPIPE.exe will open the mod file.
    • Bug correction: Limit Stop with "Connected To" node specified in .mbf was not imported properly.
    • Bug correction: Ball Joint with "Rotational Limit" set to NONE in .mbf was not imported properly.
    • Bug correction: For piping code = B31.4 (2009), code compliance report was not printed properly.
    • Bug correction: CAESAR II neutral file with Nozzle definition was not imported properly.
    • Bug correction: Access violation when "Other Displacements" option selected through Results Window > Displacements > Mouse right click.
    • Bug correction: Access violation while printing the model with "Generic Supports" defined without proper "Rotational Stiffness Units" value.
    • Bug correction: Print command was disabled in "List" window.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.60

    February 1, 2012

    • Following piping codes are updated. Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v660.pdf for more details.
    • ASME B31.5 (2010)
    • ASME B31.8 (2010)
    • ASME B31.9 (2008)
    • CODETI (2006)
    • New feature added to Copy and Paste rows (with Element (from Layout), Material, Section and Load properties). This can be performed through Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V. This new feature will also allow to Copy and Paste multiple rows of layout. This can be performed through Layout Frame->Edit->Copy command. Multiple rows of Copy and Paste is valid only for Layout and NOT for Materials, Loads and Sections.
    • New feature added to define Forces and Moments as part of Sustained Load / Expansion Load (T1) / Expansion Load (T2) / Expansion Load (T3) using Force Dialog.
    • New feature added to Find and Replace Element / Data types. This can be performed through Edit->Find and Replace or using Ctrl+H.
    • New feature added to print element forces separated by element types in global coordinates.
    • Support Load Summary includes Global displacements at each support for load cases and combinations.
    • New feature added to show sustained displacements during hanger selection when hangers are pinned. This can be performed through Results->Displacements->Mouse right click->Show sust. disp. during hanger selection.
    • New Data type "Generic support" added in CAEPIPE to define support stiffnesses using 6x6 stiffness matrix.
    • Improved title description for graphical plot of Stresses, Stress Ratios and Deflected shapes.
    • Modified Supplement for EN 13480 (2009) is added in Annexure A of Readme_Supplement.
    • Bug Correction: Issues error message while importing CAESAR II Version 5.2 Neutral file into CAEPIPE with NODENAME block.
    • Bug Correction: Find Node dialog does not allow to enter more than 4 characters.
    • Bug Correction: When Piping Code = B31.4 (2009), in-plane SIF and out-of-plane SIF were set to 1.0 when element type is PIPE even with data type set as Branch SIF/Weld/User SIF/Threaded in CAEPIPE.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.52

    October 27, 2011

    • Piping code B31.3 updated to ASME B31.3 (2010). Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v652.pdf for more details.
    • Bug Correction: Access Violation occurred while importing CAESAR II Version 5.1 Neutral file into CAEPIPE.
    • Material Library Correction: In 2007 and 2010 versions of B31.1 material library, material type for CrMo materials (A335) was incorrectly set to AS instead of CS. This does not alter the pressure calculations results in 2007 edition of the code as the W (weld strength reduction factor) was introduced only in 2010. Reanalyze your models by re-importing the material from the supplied [updated] B311-2010.mat ONLY if they use A335 at high temperatures (> 800 deg. F).

    CAEPIPE Version 6.51

    October 3, 2011

    • Piping code B31.1 updated to ASME B31.1 (2010). Refer Annexure-A of ReadMeSupplement_v651.pdf for more details.
    • Bug Correction: Forces, moments and stresses for Bends were not calculated properly when "BOURDONP" environmental variable was set to include Bourdon effect as a sustained load.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.50

    May 16, 2011

    • New feature to "Import CAESAR II Neutral files" (.cii) is added. This can be performed through File->Import from Main window.
    • New feature to "Import PipePak Neutral files" is added. This can be performed through File->Import from Main window.
    • Contact support AT for import details for both CAESAR II and PipePak neutral files.
    • Improved algorithm for refreshing the layout screen when an element is selected through the graphics window to avoid garbling of layout screen.
    • New feature added to check whether local x and y axes are perpendicular to each other for Elastic element.
    • Bug Correction: The direction vector entered as non-unit vector for local x and y axes were not normalized before printing global element forces for Elastic element.
    • NOTE For B31.3(2008) users: As per para 302.3.4, fm = maximum value of stress range factor; 1.2 for ferrous materials with specified minimum tensile strengths <= 517 MPa and at Metal temperatures <= 371 deg C(700 deg F). This criteria is not implemented in CAEPIPE as the provision for entering the minimum tensile strength in material property is not available at this time. Hence f <= 1.0 for all materials including Ferrous materials.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.41

    December 27, 2010

    • Bug Correction: Spring Rate for Rod Hanger was not calculated correctly due to the change made in version 6.4 to fix the Rod Hanger Spring Rate printing / display problem.
    • Bug Correction: Access Violation occurred when user selected File->Export to 3D Plant Design->PDMS Geometry Macro through Layout Window.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.4

    November 12, 2010

    • Following piping codes are updated. Please see Annexure A from ReadMeSupplement_640.pdf for details.
    • B31.4 (2009)

      B31.5 (2006)

    • New piping code B31.9 (2004) for Building Services Piping added.
    • Upto version 6.30, CAEPIPE always reported the frequencies that were below the cut-off frequency. Starting version 6.40, CAEPIPE will always report frequencies upto the number of modes specified by the user or upto the first frequency above the cut-off frequency.
    • Material properties of B31.4 and B31.5 are updated in accordance with B31.4 (2009) and B31.5 (2006). The new material libraries are named as B314-2009.mat and B315-2006.mat respectively.
    • Default Insulation density for Calcium Silicate in CAEPIPE is modified to 15 lb./ft^3 from 11 lb./ft^3.
    • New feature to export the 3D piping model to CADMATIC as structural components (only graphics without attributes). This can be performed through File ->Export to 3D Plant Design from inside the Layout window.
    • In Hanger/User Hanger dialog, the field "Hanger above" is replaced with "Hanger below". This should be used to specify a Hanger connected below the pipe. Graphical symbol changes accordingly.
    • Bug Correction: Settlement was calculated (for applicable piping codes) even when the Settlement load case was not active.
    • Bug Correction: Loads on Guides in Local Coordinates were not output correctly when printed to a text file.
    • Bug Correction: Spring Rate for Rod Hanger was not displayed/printed properly in Hanger report when the Analysis option "Solve Thermal Case" was selected.
    • Bug Correction: Merge model command did not change the layout window.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.3

    April 7, 2010

    • Piping code B31.8 updated to B31.8 (2007). Refer Appendix-A of ReadMeSupplement_630.pdf.
    • Piping code EN 13480 updated to EN 13480 (2009). Note that the piping design equations, Flexibility Factors and SIFs have not changed since last EN 13480 (2002) code.
    • New feature added to Renumber the nodes automatically while inserting a new row or deleting an existing row. User can turn ON / OFF this feature through CAEPIPE Main Frame -> File -> Preferences->Automatic renumber of nodes.
    • New Feature added to check the layout before save. Issues warning message when it finds errors in layout.
    • Improved convergence routine for Slip and Hinge joints with specified displacements for Anchors.
    • Bug Correction: Scaling of stress values in Graphics window was not plotted properly for Sorted FRP stresses.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.2

    January 14, 2010

    • Piping code B31.3 updated to B31.3 (2008). Refer Appendix-A of ReadMeSupplement_620.pdf for more details.
    • Corrosion allowance, Mill tolerance, Insulation and Lining densities are carried forward only for a new section and not for an existing section, if defined, while modeling.
    • Bug Correction: Importing an mbf file was setting the Bend SIF to 1.0.
    • Bug Correction: Anchors placed on jacket pipe were not rendered properly.

    Nov 2009: See last entry for bug correction under v6.0 below.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.11

    September 25, 2009

    • Bug Correction: Assertion Failure occured when user selected "Show Nodes" dialog through Graphics Window->View->Show Nodes.
    • Bug Correction: Spectrum Values read from Text file was not saved properly in Spectrum Library.
    • Bug Correction: Issues error message "No Spectrums are input yet" even after the Spectrums were defined.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.1

    August 19, 2009

    • New feature added to merge CAEPIPE models (video). This feature skips Analysis Options, Load Cases, Wind Loads, Time History, Spectrums and Force Spectrums from the selected model for merging. On the other hand, it merges Materials, Sections, Loads, Beam Materials, Beam Sections, Beam Loads, Pumps, Compressors, Turbines and Elements into the current model from the selected model for merging. During merging the models, CAEPIPE checks for duplication of nodes and will give an option for renumbering the elements. Pressing "Yes" will renumber and merge the model, otherwise it will merge without renumbering.
    • New feature for translating and rotating the graphics model in Graphics Window using a mouse.
      - In Translation mode, use:
      • Shift + Mouse Scroll Button Up and Down for Horizontal Translation of Model
      • Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Button Up and down for Vertical Translation of Model
      - In Rotation mode (Turn):
      • Shift + Mouse Scroll Button Up and Down for Horizontal Rotation of Model
      • Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Button Up and Down for Vertical Rotation of Model
    • Carpenter & Paterson Hanger Catalogue is updated to the latest version.
    • Issues a warning message when the \"Folder\" defined for Autosave through "File->Preferences->BackUp->AutoSave" does not have write access.
    • Stress contours can now be plotted for Jacketed Piping too. This feature can be accessed via "Graphics Window->Pop-up Menu->Show jacketed stresses/Ratios". This feature can be seen only when the "Show stresses" or "Show stress ratios" command is active with Jpipe or Jbend defined in the model.
    • Bug Correction: Access Violation occured in Sorted Stresses results when stress model is defined with FRP and Other Materials.
    • Bug Correction: LCS for Nozzle was not plotted properly in the graphics window.
    • Bug Correction: Stiffness for Rod Hanger was accounted for twice for Seismic Loads when "Include Hanger Stiffness" analysis option was turned ON. This bug exists in all earlier 5.xy upto 6.02 versions of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug Correction: For jacketed piping, stress contour for core piping was plotted on jacketed piping.
    • Bug Correction: Printed version of the rendered view did not show the axes symbol.
    • Bug Correction: Bill of material was not printed properly when material is defined on the Bend.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.02

    April 16, 2009

    • Option to turn ON/OFF the duplicate node numbers checking while using the "Generate" command.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.01

    March 16, 2009

    • Bug Correction: Skewed Restraint with 'Connected To' node garbled the image during rendering.

    CAEPIPE Version 6.0

    February 25, 2009

    • Following piping codes are updated. Please see Annexure A from Readme_Supplement v6.0 for details.
    • B31.1 (2007)

      B31.3 (2006)

      B31.4 (2006)

    • Corrosion allowance, Mill tolerance, Insulation and Lining densities are carried forward for new section, if defined, while modeling.
    • New hot key (F3) is introduced for removing the Dots and Node numbers from the Graphics window simultaneously (for a cleaner looking image and printing purpose).
    • FRP Users can now define the Axial and Torsional allowables in the Material Property table and these will be used to compare against calculated stresses in "FRP Sorted Stresses."
    • During "Generate" command execution, CAEPIPE issues a warning and stops when it encounters a Node number that already exists.
    • In "List > Coordinates", View->Distance command can now compute the angles too for the line connecting two nodes (phi and beta, i.e., Angle in XY Plane and Angle from XY Plane) in addition to the distance.
    • LCS (Local Coordinate System) is now shown for Nozzle element. It can be accessed a few ways:
    • 1. List (ctrl+L) > Nozzles > View menu > Show LCS, -OR-
      2. List (ctrl+L) > Nozzles > Mouse Right Click on the listed Nozzle > Show LCS, -OR-
      3. Results window > Support Loads > Other Support Loads > Nozzles > View menu > Show LCS, -OR-
      4. Results window > Support Loads > Other Support Loads > Nozzles > Mouse Right Click > Show LCS.
    • Seismic Displacement and Rotation can be exported/imported via mbf using the comment SEIS(x,y,z) and SERO(rx,ry,rz) respectively.
    • Settlement Displacement and Rotation can be exported/imported via mbf using the comment SETT(x,y,z) and STRO(rx,ry,rz) respectively.
    • Lisega Hanger catalogue is updated to the latest version. See catalogue for details.
      Available Hanger Numbers are 21 & 22
      Ranges are 1,2 & 3
      Types are 18 & 19
    • In Hanger Report for Lisega, size column will report as Hanger Number, Type and Range instead of Hanger Number, Range and Type. For example, hanger having a spring rate of 2.1 N/mm, vertical travel of 30mm with load 440N will be reported as 21D.193 instead of 21D319.
    • Materials, Sections and Loads Inputs are shown graphically using Color Codes in rendered graphics. Press the "Color Graphics" icon available in Materials, Sections and Loads List windows to execute the command.
    • Flange reporting is now available for "Piping code=None."
    • Improved algorithm to handle the memory and to pool the graphics while printing to avoid crashing of application.
    • Bug Correction: Width of Displacement screen was shrinking between Sustained and Other Displacement Results.
    • Bug Correction: Access Violation when importing models defined with Spectrum from 5.15 to 5.2x versions of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug Correction: Spectrum values from text file were not imported properly.
    • Bug Correction: Spectrum library created using 5.15 was not read by 5.2x.
    • Bug Correction: Flange reporting was performed for Maximum of Operating 1 and Operating 2 even when the Operating 3 was analyzed.
    • Bug Correction: Assertion Failure when turn OFF the "Hydrotest Load" from Loads menu.
    • Bug Correction: When the Operating condition (T3,P3) was input for a piping system with buried portion, support loads for (W+P3+T3) were not reported correctly in all earlier 5.xy versions of CAEPIPE.
    • Bug Correction: When the Hydrotest load was selected for Text/CSV file printing with Piping Code = ASME Class 2, the stress values corresponding to SL+SO was printed in Local Element Forces instead of SL.
    • Reported and Identified in Nov 2009: Bug Correction: When Piping Code = B31.3 (2002) was selected in CAEPIPE versions 5.15 to 5.22, flexibility character (h) for Welding tee was calculated using the equation "h = 4.4 T/r2". In CAEPIPE 6.0, this has been corrected to "h = 3.1 T/r2" as per B31.3 (2006).

    CAEPIPE Version 5.22

    February 28, 2008

    • Bug Correction: For API 617 (Seventh Edition, June 2003), Forces and Moments were resolved with respect to the largest Nozzle of the compressor among all the compressors, even when the stress model had more than one compressor.
    • Bug Correction: For Rotating Equipment Reports, selection of Load Cases (W+P1+T1, W+P2+T2, etc.) through an icon on the toolbar did not change the results screen.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.21

    December 24, 2007

    • Units conversion between Spectrum unit types for the ordinate (Y-axis) is now possible, for e.g., between inch and mm., g's and in/sec2.
    • User can now import multiple Time functions from a text file. Each function should be separated by a delimiter "-1.E11".
    • Valve element has a new field called Valve Type. This information will be used in upcoming versions to differentiate between types of valves by changing the symbols during rendering.
    • Hanger has a new field called "Hanger above". This should be used to specify whether the Hanger is connected above or below the pipe. Graphical symbol changes accordingly. Valid only for Hanger and User Hanger and not for Constant Support Hanger and Rod Hanger.
    • User can change the Yield Displacement factor (between 0.04 to 1.0), used to calculate the initial stiffness in Buried piping analysis. See Options menu->Analysis->Misc in the Layout window. We recommend no changes unless there is a problem with convergence in the Buried Piping section of analysis.
    • New feature to export the 3D piping model to PDMS as structural components (only graphics without attributes). This can be performed through File->Export to 3D Plant Design from inside the Layout window.
    • API 617 is updated to Seventh edition (June 2003). See ReadMeSupplement_521.pdf for details.
    • Bug Correction: For API 617, the resultant force and moments were resolved with respect to Exhaust Nozzle and not to Largest connection. This bug exists in CAEPIPE versions up to 5.15.
    • Bug Correction: When Piping Code = EN13480, program crashed when trying to print the occasional stress contour plots.
    • Bug Correction: Pressure field was not disabled when reviewed through Results window->Window menu->Layout->Options->Analysis leading to an "Assertion failure."
    • Bug Correction: Data types such as Anchor, Guide or Restraints placed on JPIPE and JBEND element types were not rendered properly.
    • Bug Correction: It was not possible to enter more than four characters in the "From/To" fields of Distance measurement command through Coordinates List window->View menu->Distance.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.15

    March 1, 2007

    • Piping code B31.3 is updated to B31.3 (2004). Refer Appendix-A of ReadMeSupplement_515.pdf for more details.
    • Buried (Restrained) Piping Stress calculation is now available for B31.8 (2003). Refer Appendix-A of ReadMeSupplement_515.pdf for more details.
    • ISO standard sections are now included in CAEPIPE.
    • Material properties of B31.3 (existing materials in B313.mat) are updated in accordance with B31.3 (2004). The new material library is named as B313-2004.mat
    • Material library for EN13480 is now included in CAEPIPE.
    • Grinnell (Anvil International) hanger catalog has been updated to include two new ranges, Triple and Quad.
    • Maximum number of elements permitted in a CAEPIPE model is increased from 5000 to 7000.
    • New feature added to print .CSV file with Forces, Stresses and Sorted stresses for FRP piping.
    • Bug Correction: Skewed Restraint with 'Connected To' node garbled the image during zooming operation.
    • Bug Correction: Component directions were not printed correctly in Support loads output screen for skewed restraints.
    • Bug Correction: Snubbers were not turned ON for seismic displacement case and hence seismic displacements were not included in "Snubber Loads" calculations.
    • Bug Correction: Access Violation error occurred when user tried to define a flange without defining the section properties.
    • Bug Correction: Closing the OPTIONS dialog changed the piping code to 'Default', when user selected the piping code as 'NONE'.
    • Bug Correction: CAEPIPE issued error message during mbf import when both lower and upper limits of limit stop equaled 0.00.
    • Bug Correction: Elements defined using absolute coordinates in the layout were not Exported/Imported properly through .mbf file.
    • Bug Correction: When piping code = B31.1 (2004) and B31.8 (2003), Liberal Allowable Stresses option was not turned ON and was not editable for CAEPIPE models developed using CAEPIPE versions earlier than 5.13. Please note, as per the current requirement of these codes, this option should always be turned ON, which CAEPIPE sets automatically.
    • Bug Correction: In FRP Stresses reported, the pressure term was included under hoop (pd/2t) and axial stress computations (pd/4t) for "pure" WIND and SEISMIC load cases.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.14

    May 8, 2006

    • Support for Model Batch Format (MBF) is improved. With this new format, almost all elements and data types (available in the CAEPIPE .mod binary file) may be exported/imported from/to CAEPIPE. Refer Import and Export sections of ReadMeSupplement_514.pdf for details.
    • New graphics feature is introduced to show/hide a specified number of rows from the graphics view. Using this feature, you can unclutter areas of your piping model to either selectively view or plot (print) the images. This feature is not available from the Results Window. The feature can be accessed via Graphics window->menu View->Show/Hide Specified Elements.
    • Buried (Restrained) Piping stress calculation is now available for B31.4 (2002). Refer Appendix-B of ReadMeSupplement_514.pdf for details.
    • Your CAEPIPE license's MES (Maintenance, Enhancement and Support agreement) expiry date can be viewed through menu Help->Check MES.
    • Name and release year of piping code is included in the Sorted Stresses ratios rendered graphical plot.
    • For Piping code = B31.8 (2003), the pressure stress option [PD^2/(D^2-d^2)] given in menu Options > Analysis > Pressure is disabled as per the code requirement.
    • Graphics editing feature can be turned ON/OFF through Main Window->menu File>Preferences...->Disable graphics editing. Reason: For a few graphics cards (notably from nVidia and ATI) under Windows-XP (R) operating system, graphics editing may garble the image. If this happens, changing either the graphics card or downgrading the operating system (to Windows 2000) avoids the problem. Since either of these solutions is impractical, we have introduced a feature to turn OFF graphics editing. Documented incompatibility between OpenGL and Windows XP seems to be the root cause. We hope the new Windows Vista release will rectify the incompatibility issue.
    • Edit dialog for DX/DY/DZ is now available in the Layout window. Double clicking under any of DX/DY/DZ opens a dialog for you to edit the offsets (or coordinates for From type). Or, right-click on an offset and select Edit... to edit the offsets.
    • Bug Correction: Allowable Pressure calculation for Bends was not properly calculated when piping code = EN13480 (2002). This problem exists in Versions 5.11, 5.12, 5.12A and 5.13.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.13

    November 2, 2005

    • Facility to create and save user-defined Beam Section Library. From the opening window, select File > New > Beam Section Library.
    • Facility to select the Beam Sections from user-defined Beam Section Library or from the built-in AISC Library. From the Layout window, select Misc > Beam Sections, and then File > Beam Library or File > AISC Library in the List window.
    • The normalized vector for Beam Elements can now be displayed when the user clicks on a Beam Element in the Graphics window or double clicks on Beam to display the Beam dialog (in the Layout window or List window).
    • Option to Show/Hide the "Deformed State Coordinates" in the Displacements results window along with the Displacements in global coordinate system via Results window > View > Show/Hide Deformed State Coordinates or mouse right click > Show/Hide Deformed State Coordinates.
    • New graphics utilities have been introduced. These utilities help a user see pipes hidden from view by making the pipe in front "transparent or hidden." In the past, a user had to rotate the model to see hidden piping in a congested piping layout.
    • 1. Hide the current element from the Rendered Graphics Window via View > Hide Current Element or mouse middle click > Hide CE, or press F6.
    • 2. Make the current element transparent in the Rendered Graphics Window via View > Make Transparent or mouse middle click > Make CE Transparent, or press F7.
    • 3. Select and hide the element via mouse middle button click on element > Hide from Graphics.
    • 4. Select and make the element transparent via mouse middle button click on element > Make Transparent.
    • 5. Show all Hidden objects through Graphics Window > mouse middle click > Show all or View > Show all, or press F9.
    • 6. Make all objects Transparent via View > All Transparent or mouse middle click > Make all Transparent, or press F10.
    • 7. Make all objects Opaque via View > All Opaque or mouse middle button click > Make all Opaque or F11.
    • Option to print all input and results data to a comma separated values file (.csv) through File > Print > Print to File in addition to printing to a plain text file. This .csv file can be imported into spreadsheet software (e.g., MS-Excel).
    • When Piping Code = NONE, in-plane and out-of-plane loads and SIFs for tees are calculated based on B31.3 (2002). Earlier version calculations were based on B31.1.
    • When Piping Code = B31.1 (2004), the analysis option "Use liberal allowable stresses" is always turned ON.
    • In this version, when Piping Code = B31.4 (2002) or B31.8 (2003), stresses for the buried piping portion are calculated against allowables as per the code equations for "Unrestrained Piping." In other words, the code stress equations for "Restrained Piping" (or Buried piping) are not yet implemented and hence, the code stress results displayed/printed for buried portion of piping should be ignored.
    • Warning message issued when the Bend Radius is less than the outer diameter of the pipe section.
    • Warning message issued when peak pressure factor exceeds 1.10 for Piping Code = B31.4(2002). This is a code requirement as per para. 402.2.4 of B31.4 (2002).
    • Warning message issued when user tries to delete an element that is referenced by another element via connected node.
    • Bug correction: When Piping Code=NONE was chosen, Von Mises stresses were missing from the text file generated by using the "Print to file" command.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.12

    April 22, 2005

    • Guide forces in global coordinate system are "Print(ed) to file" (in addition to forces in local coordinate system). Download ReadmeSupplement_512.
    • Support load summary can be included in the "Print to file" option (in addition to inclusion in formatted reports).
    • A warning message is issued when t/T ratio for a WRC-297 nozzle input is less than 1.0 as per WRC-297 Bulletin.
    • Hotkey combination CTRL+ENTER (for duplicating the last layout row) now also works for Beam Elements (in addition to PIPE and JPIPE).
    • Renumbering element node numbers in a portion of a piping system will also renumber all those nodes of this portion that appear as "connected to" nodes in the remaining portions of the piping system.
    • The Analysis option "Include Hanger Stiffness" is now applicable only to Variable Spring Hangers and User Hangers and not to Rod Hangers. For Rod Hangers, the "Include Hanger Stiffness" is always turned ON internally.
    • A new feature to Freeze/Unfreeze the graphics view is now available. This feature can be enabled/disabled by pressing the function key F8 in the graphics window. This feature is also available in two more places in the graphics window, i.e., Graphics Window->View->Freeze/Unfreeze View (Toggle) and Graphics Window->Mouse Right Click->Freeze/Unfreeze View (Toggle). The details on this implementation are listed below.
    • 1. The option "Freeze View" disables the dynamic updating of view (i.e., view remains unchanged) when the user scrolls in the Layout window.
    • 2. User can still perform the Zoom, Pan, Rotate, etc., with the frozen view. The new view thus obtained after performing such operation becomes the new frozen view.
    • 3. The addition of new element in the layout window will update the graphics and can be seen immediately, if the new element added is available within the display region shown in the graphics window.
    • 4. The dynamic updating of view can be enabled by pressing F8 again or by selecting the Graphics Window->view->Unfreeze View.
    • Bug Correction: Sometimes limit stops were not rendered properly.
    • Bug Correction: If the piping code = none, the selection of Modal Analysis without selecting the Static Analysis gave an assertion failure during analysis.
    • Bug Correction: Unchecking any box on "Show Nodes" option dialog removed the node numbers on those Limit Stops, Hangers, Guides, etc., which were defined using "Location" card.
    • Following piping codes are updated. Please see Annexures A and B for details.
    • B31.1 (2004)

      B31.3 (2002)

      B31.4 (2002)

      B31.5 (2001)

      B31.8 (2003)

    • Material properties are updated for existing materials.
    • B31.1 (2004)

      B31.3 (2002)

      Please verify the properties in these libraries before you use them.

    • New material libraries are available.
    • B31.4 (2002)-29 materials added (filename: b314-2002.mat)

      B31.5 (2001)-15 materials added (filename: b315-2001.mat)

      B31.8 (2003)-40 materials added (filename: b318-2003.mat)

      Please verify the properties in these libraries before you use them.
    • New feature added for creating user definable valve library. A new valve library can be created from menu File > New > Valve Library. Refer Annexure D for more details.
    • Cast Iron, Steel and Alloy Valves (Flanged and Butt Welding ends) libraries are provided. The Type of Valve, Connection Type, Rating and File names are listed in Annexure C. User needs to input only weight of the valve. In the valve dialog, click on "Library" and navigate to the location where files are available.
    • Bug Correction: For piping code = Swedish (1978), during new material library creation, the columns for "Longitudinal Joint Factor" and "Allowable Stress" were missing.
    • For piping code = none and material not equal to FRP, the in-plane and out-of-plane Stress Intensification Factors (SIF) for a 90 deg bend/elbow are taken to be the same as those computed using ANSI B31.3 (2002). For a bend with bend angle less than 90 deg, the in-plane SIF is computed using the procedure given in ASME/BPVC Section III, Division1, Case N-319-2 "Alternate Procedure for Evaluation of Stresses in Butt Welding Elbows in Class 1 Piping". Refer ReadmeSupplement_v511.pdf file for details.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1JB

    July 17, 2003

    • Bug correction: For some models, Zoom all button in graphics drew image in one corner of graphics window.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1JA

    June 6, 2003

    • When length units are specified in inches, lengths, dimensions and displacements are displayed with 4 decimal places.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1J

    April 17, 2003

    • B31.1 piping code updated to 2001. B31.1 material properties are not yet updated.
    • For the European piping code EN 13480, the tensile strength (Rm) can be input for a material which is used in calculating fc in Eqn (12.1.3-2).
    • For piping code = none, the SIF for a bend of less than 90 deg is interpolated as follows:

    • A scalar multiplier for the B31 90 deg bend SIF can be developed based on ASME/BPVC Section III, Division 1, Case N-319-2, "Alternate Procedure for Evaluation of Stresses in Butt Welding Elbows in Class 1 Piping" which provides rules for bending stress indices for curved pipe of arc lengths between 0 and 180 deg. The in-plane stress indices for varying arc length from Case N-319 are:
    • C(2z) = 1.95/h^(2/3) for bend angles of 90 deg or greater [Note, the index is approximately 2 times the B31 90 deg elbow SIF, i.e., the difference between "design by rule" (B31/effective) stresses and "design by analysis" (theoretical) stresses.]
    • C(2z) = 1.75/h^(0.56) for a bend angle of 45 deg
    • C(2z) = 1.0 for a bend angle of 0 deg (straight pipe)
    • The Case states the stress index may be interpolated between bend angles. Thus, a 45 deg bend SIF could be reasonably estimated to be the B31 SIF multiplied by C(2z) for a 45 deg bend divided by C(2z) for a 90 deg bend. Other bend angle SIF's could be interpolated between the given C(2z)'s.
    • [Note, however, the effect of arc length will likewise alter bend stiffness which this does not address.]
    • For other piping codes, the SIF interpolation will be implemented as an option in a future version.

    • Bug correction: For ASME(1986) and ASME(1992) the butt weld SIF was calculated according to ASME 1980.
    • Bug correction: Hanger loads were not calculated correctly for hydrotest case.
    • Bug correction: Beam sections were not converted properly from version 3.71.
    • Bug correction: Spectrum library was not read properly if it was written in versions 5.1 upto 5.1I.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1I

    December 9, 2002

    • Final version of the European piping code EN 13480 (2002) is now available including the creep equation (12.3.5-1). Creep allowable stresses (fCR) need to be input for the creep temperature range and left blank for temperatures below the creep range.
    • Bug correction: European piping code was not correctly output to batch file.
    • Bug correction: For elastic element input, orthogonality of local x- and y-axes was not checked properly.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1H

    September 4, 2002

    • Print preview for OpenGL rendered graphics is now available.
    • OpenGL rendering quality can be specified as Low, Medium or High by using the command Options > Rendering Quality in the graphics window. Previously, such an option was available only during printing an OpenGL image.
    • Bug correction: During hanger design, nonlinearities were not initialized properly. This bug exists only in version 5.1G. Any model analyzed using version 5.1G must be reanalyzed.
    • Bug correction: In results, skewed restraint directions were not shown properly.
    • Bug correction: While printing to a text file (.txt), if the data type was Branch on thickened pipe or Concave fillet weld, the next line was not printed.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1G

    July 24, 2002

    • Improved convergence for friction in ball, hinge and slip joints.
    • Number of iterations for modal analysis increased from 999 to 9999.
    • Improved creation of temporary file names.
    • Opening results from main window, the last opened results file name is filled in the dialog. Opening results from the layout window, if the current model has been analyzed, its results file name is filled in the dialog.
    • Anchors are plotted as combination of restraints when some of the stiffnesses are zero.
    • In File menu, Recent Models moved to a position after Open.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1F

    May 17, 2002

    • A range of elements can be rotated about X, Y or Z axis through a specified angle by using Edit > Rotate command. At present there is no Undo command in Caepipe. If "Undo" is required on rotate command, another rotation for the same range of elements with a rotation which is negative of the previous rotation can be performed. This should be done before any other changes to the model are made.
    • Node numbers can be renumbered for a range of elements by specifying a starting node number and an increment by using Edit > Renumber Nodes command.
    • Disconnected nodes may be detected using the Misc > Check Connections command.
    • Improved graphics for hangers with connected nodes.
    • An environment variable CPITER may be defined to change number of iterations from the default 500. e.g. set CPITER=10000 will change the number of iterations to 10000 before showing the dialog: Continue, Accept or Exit if there is nonconvergence.
    • After an assertion failure or a protection error, the network key license is now released thereby allowing another session to be started.
    • Bug correction: For slip joints, pressure thrust force was not applied properly when friction was present. This bug exists for versions 5.1D and 5.1E only.
    • Bug correction: With Graphics window maximized, opening a model or results file would cause a blank graphics window.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1E

    March 14, 2002

    • Preliminary version of the European piping code prEN 13480 (2002) is now available.
    • Guide loads are now also available in global coordinates.
    • For ASME (86 92) codes, for unreinforced tee, the B2 index is now calculated according to NB-3683.8. Previously the B2 index was conservatively assumed to be equal to SIF.
    • For reinforced tee, the B2 index for both run and branch is conservatively assumed to be equal to SIF as before.
    • Presently pressure expansion (Bourdon effect) is treated as thermal expansion and applied to expansion (T) and operating (W+P+T) load cases.
    • If an environment variable BOURDONP is set (i.e. set BOURDONP=y), pressure expansion is not treated as thermal expansion (i.e. pressure expansion is treated as pressure expansion and applied to sustained (W+P) and operating (W+P+T) load cases.).
    • Bug correction: Caepipe would crash when a specified displacement was deleted by zeroing all displacements in the specified displacement dialog while the specified displacement list was shown.
    • Bug correction: Tie rod forces were not calculated correctly when the tie rod axis was not aligned with the global X-axis.
    • Bug correction: Beam end releases were not working correctly for Z vertical.
    • Bug correction: Zero length Beams would cause a crash in results while viewing beam element forces.
    • Bug correction: For FRP bend, specified bend SIF was not used, instead SIF = 2.3 was used.
    • Bug correction: Hanger report could not be printed to file when hanger type was Comet.
    • Bug correction: In results, the displacements shown on the screen would not change when the load case was selected using the menu or the load cases toolbar button.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1D

    December 19, 2001

    • Improved friction modeling for slip joint. The friction is modeled by applying force and torque instead of using equivalent stiffnesses. This also corrects a problem when a limit stop was connected between the slip joint nodes, the friction in the slip joint was ignored.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1C

    November 20, 2001

    • Maximum number of rows increased from 2000 to 5000 and maximum number of nodes increased from 3000 to 7500.
    • Lisega hangers are now selected according to Lisega catalog recommendations., i.e., for travel upto 10mm, range 1 is selected, for travel up to 20mm, range 2 is selected otherwise range 3 is selected.
    • If travel exceeds 40mm, Lisega recommends constant support, however Caepipe does not select it automatically. A constant support instead of a "to be designed" hanger needs to be specified. Also note that the "short range" parameter is ignored for Lisega hangers.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1B

    September 27, 2001

    • Comet hanger catalog from Pipe Supports Ltd. is now available.
    • Bug correction: FRP stresses were not printed correctly. They were shown correctly on screen and printed correctly to "txt" file.
    • Bug correction: For hinge and ball joints, the option to use friction in dynamic analysis was not used. (Versions 5.1 and 5.1A only, previous versions did not have this bug).

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1A

    August 29, 2001

    • Bug correction: For hinge and ball joints, when rotation limits were specified, the friction torque was not correctly applied. The non-linear iteration procedure too was modified for these joints.
    • Bug correction: For flanges at anchors, near bends with zero straight portions, the flange report did not show any flange forces or pressures.
    • Bug correction: If a flange is connected to a non-pressure element such as a beam or an elastic element, an error message is given.
    • Bug correction: For buried jacketed pipes, soil restraints were not generated.
    • Bug correction: Jacketed pipes and jacketed bends were not split properly when the Split command (Edit menu) was used.
    • Bug correction: Mode shapes were not changed from the graphics window (by right clicking and selecting Next mode or Previous mode) when shown from the Frequencies screen in the results window.
    • Bug correction: From the Title row, after clicking on the Type header to open the Element Types dialog and then clicking on Ok to close the dialog produced an assertion failure.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.1

    July 11, 2001

    • Support load summary is now available (displayed under the Results menu upon entering Output).
    • Force spectrum analysis is now available. Enter Force spectrums and then Force spectrum loads as data in the Layout screen (similar to Time History).
    • Conversion of a time function to a force spectrum is available. After entering a time function (under menu: Misc > Time functions), go to menu: Misc > Force spectrums. Select menu: File > Convert time function command.
    • A new analysis option is added to solve Thermal case = Operating - Sustained, i.e., instead of solving thermal case independently, thermal case results are calculated as the difference between the Operating case and the Sustained case results. This is a recommended procedure to solve thermal cases (T1, T2, T3) especially when nonlinearities (limit stops, friction etc.) are present. Option is available under menu: Options > Analysis...> Temperature.
    • Wind load is now specified as wind pressure versus elevation or wind velocity versus elevation. Previously constant wind velocity was specified.
    • A Hydrostatic test (hydrotest) load case is now available. The hydrotest load is defined by the specific gravity of the test fluid, the test pressure and whether to include or exclude the insulation weight. The hydrotest load can be constant over the whole model or can be changed or even excluded in parts of the model. The hydrotest load is defined by pressing 'h' on an empty row in the Layout screen (similar to pressing 'c' for a comment). This load is applied to the rows that follow till changed by another hydrotest load).
    • A Tie rod element with different stiffnesses and gaps in tension and compression is now available (useful for modeling tierods in bellows, chains etc.).
    • For hinge and ball joints, rotation limits can now be specified.
    • For a guide, a gap and a connected node can now be specified.
    • For a bend, SIF can now be specified (useful for FRP bends). If an SIF is specified, it is used instead of the piping code specified SIF. If a user SIF is also specified at bend nodes (A and/or B nodes), it will be used instead of the bend SIF or code specified SIF.
    • Piping code = None for non-code analysis is now available.
    • For Piping code = None, Von Mises, maximum and minimum stresses are calculated.
    • Node numbers are automatically incremented. When you press Tab or Enter from a blank Node column, an automatically generated node number is assigned. The automatic increment can be turned off by not specifying a node increment. The node increment can be specified by menu: Options > Node increment.
    • If the last row of layout is empty and the previous row is a Pipe or Jacketed pipe, pressing Ctrl Enter will duplicate the DX, DY, DZ and the Data (if the data does not have a connected node and is not a nozzle, an end cap or a branch SIF). The node number is automatically generated, too. So, pressing Ctrl Enter can quickly generate long runs of straight pipe with many elements. This is especially useful for sloped pipes. This command is available under menu: Edit > Duplicate last row. The Node increment must be set to a non-zero number.
    • Slope for an element can now be specified. Using the input length and direction (specified in terms of xcomp, ycomp and zcomp which could be direction cosines), DX, DY, DZ for the element is calculated and entered on the Layout screen. This can be used to change the element length, too. Slope is available under menu: Edit > Slope.
    • Clicking on DX, DY, DZ headers or right clicking or double clicking in the DX, DY, DZ columns brings up a menu for editing. You can Insert or Delete a row, split or specify Slope to an existing element.
    • Color-coded stresses are now shown by pressing the stress or stress ratio buttons in the Sorted stresses window. Previously, pressing the Render button in the graphics window showed them. Whether to show color-coded stresses/ratios or show values of stresses/ratios is done by the menu: View > Color code stresses.
    • Animation of the deflected shape is now possible. A button on the toolbar in the Displacements results screen or menu: View > Show animated deflected shape may be used.
    • Jacket pipes are now rendered transparent so core pipes can be seen through them.
    • Center of gravity calculation is now available. It can be seen in Results under the View menu.
    • Revised material properties. The most significant change is the density of carbon steel that changed from 0.280 to 0.283 lb/in3.
    • The status of Layout and List windows is saved with the model so the model can be opened in the same state as when it was saved.
    • An attempt is made to save model (if modified) after a crash or assertion failure.
    • In the startup window, the shortcut for "Open last model" changed from "Ctrl+Shift+O" to "Enter"; so pressing "Enter" in startup window will open the last model. Also the mouse is placed on the "Open last model" button so it can be clicked (without moving) to open the last model.
    • For API 610 (8th Edition), the allowable principal stress for vertical inline pumps was changed from 6000 psi to 5950 psi to be consistent with 41 MPa in SI units.
    • Some context sensitive help is available. Click on '?' button in the dialog (if shown) or press F1 for context help. Also in the list window, for some lists, pressing F1 will bring up context sensitive help.
    • Bug correction: In modal analysis, the rod hanger stiffness was used from the previous load case rather than the first operating load case. Thus if load cases existed between the first operating load case and modal analysis (such as operating case2 (W+P2+T2), wind, seismic etc.) proper rod hanger stiffness was not used.
    • Bug correction: Snubber loads for time history and harmonic response load cases were not printed.
    • Bug correction: Specified displacements for nozzles were not shown in graphics.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02J

    April 9, 2001

    • Bug correction: B31.1(1998) has revised effective branch wall thickness calculation for reduced outlets for equations 11 and 12. Caepipe was still using B31.1(1995) method.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02I

    February 15, 2001

    • Bug correction: When an item was clicked to edit in the graphics window, a subsequent click in the Layout window sometimes caused an assertion failure.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02H

    January 23, 2001

    • Bug correction: Caepipe sometimes crashed when opening a model from results.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02G

    November 22, 2000

    • Bug correction: The hanger analysis which was modified in v5.02F gave incorrect results when option to exclude hanger stiffness was used. The hanger analysis is now reverted to previous versions so that cold loads are used when hanger stiffness is included and hot loads are used when hanger stiffness is not included.
    • Bug correction: When a model with hangers was analyzed and results reviewed, returning to the input and modifying and reanalyzing the model gave different results.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02F

    June 26, 2000

    • Updated piping codes:
    • B31.1 (1998)

      B31.3 (1999)

      B31.4 (1998)

    • Updated rotating equipment reports:
    • API 610 (8th Ed. 1995)

      API 617 (6th Ed. 1995)

      NEMA SM-23 (1991)

    • For pumps, the center must be input.
    • Hanger analysis is modified so that cold loads are used whether hanger stiffness is included or not included. Previously cold loads were used when hanger stiffness was included and hot loads were used when hanger stiffness was not included. Note that this change affects only when the option to exclude hanger stiffness is used and user hanger load is hot load and hanger stiffness is comparable to the piping system stiffness (i.e.) the piping system is very flexible.
    • Limit stops with connected nodes are now rendered.
    • For limit stops, local coordinate system is now shown (presently without connected nodes).
    • Ball joints and hinge joints connected to beams are now rendered.
    • OpenGL rendering is again available for 256 color graphics cards.
    • Bug correction: Models with mixed units (English, SI etc) can now be properly exported to batch files.
    • Bug correction: For FRP material Alpha was not shown.
    • Bug correction: For reducers, knuckles and delta were not shown in the list screen and were not printed.
    • Bug correction: For some viewpoints Rendered image was not shown.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02E

    March 2, 2000

    • AISC library for beam sections is now available. In the Beam Sections list window, use File > AISC Library command or click on the Library button.
    • Improved printing with print preview is now available. Use File > Print command from both text and graphics windows.
    • File > Print to File command is moved to under the File > Print command. The "Print to File" extension is changed from "prt" to "txt".
    • Options > Toolbar in the Layout window is moved to under File > Preferences in the main opening window.
    • OpenGL rendered graphics can now be printed. Select File > Print in the Graphics window after rendering image. Select between Low or Medium or High for Resolution, and Black or White for Background color.
    • In the Print Results dialog, if the Shift key is held down while clicking All or None buttons, the action will apply to only that tab page (e.g. Model page) rather than all the pages.
    • The Copy command (Ctrl+C) can be used from the graphics window to copy graphics to the clipboard. The shortcut for "Center" is now changed to Ctrl+Shift+C.
    • The shortcut for delete is changed from Ctrl+Del to Ctrl+X.
    • CAEPIPE.INI is no longer used. Program settings such as piping code, units, window locations, etc., are stored in the Windows registry for each user. It is not necessary to define environment variable "CAEPIPE" for a network version.
    • With the mouse depressed on Zoom in or Zoom out buttons (in the graphics window), continuous zoom in or out is now possible. Previously, each mouse click could zoom in or out only once.
    • Turn button on the graphics toolbar is now available. To rotate the model, scrollbars may be used.
    • Nozzles, snubbers and skewed restraints are now rendered.
    • OpenGL rendering is no longer available for 256 color graphics cards.
    • Batch input (using File > Import command from main window) and output (using File > Export command from layout window) are now available. (same as KIN and KOUT in the DOS versions of CAEPIPE).
    • Bug correction: Limit stop direction was not shown properly in the support loads. The limit stop loads are not affected by this.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02D

    October 28, 1999

    • For a limit stop, when a connected node is present, the direction can also be specified. This is especially useful when the connected node is coincident with the limit stop node.
    • The limit stop direction must be specified when there is no connected node or there is a coincident connected node. If there is a non-coincident connected node and the direction is also specified, that direction will be used, otherwise the direction is calculated from connected node to the limit stop node.
    • In previous versions, when a connected node was present, the limit stop direction was calculated from the limit stop node to the connected node. This required the specification of limits in a "non intuitive" way.
    • Similarly for a skewed restraint, when a connected node is present, the direction can be specified which is especially useful when the connected node is coincident with the skewed restraint node.

    • Bug correction: Skewed restraint loads were not properly calculated when connected node was specified.
    • Bug correction: For Swedish and Norwegian codes, the pressure component of stress (i.e. pd/4t) used nominal wall thickness rather than usable wall thickness which subtracts corrosion allowance and mill tolerance from nominal thickness.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02C, 5.02B, 5.02A

    September 29, 1999, September 19, 1999, September 8, 1999

    • Color coded stress and stress ratio: Click on the Render button in the graphics window toolbar when stress or stress ratio is plotted to see color coded stress or stress ratio.
    • When a hanger is input, the defaults are set to the previous hanger (if available). (v5.02B)
    • Bug correction: Beams were not rendered correctly for Z vertical, however the results of analysis were correct. (v5.02B)
    • For ASME Class 2 piping code (1986 and later), branch connection stresses for sustained and occasional loads are calculated according to NB-3683.1(d). (v5.02A)

    CAEPIPE Version 5.02

    August 17, 1999

    • Buried piping analysis is available again.
    • When a bend is input, by default, the radius, radius type, thickness, material and flexibility factor from the previous bend (if available) are used.
    • Graphics background can be set to black or white. In the graphics window use: Options > Background to change the background color.
    • Bug correction: The Guide dialog always showed units of stiffness as (lb/inch) even though the stiffness was input and used in correct units.
    • Bug correction: For reducers, cone angle, knuckles and delta were not input or saved.
    • Bug correction: More than one pump, compressor or turbine could not be input.

    CAEPIPE Version 5.01B

    June 21, 1999

    • Using File > Export menu command, the following items can be written to a text file in Comma Separated Values (csv) format which can be read by Microsoft Excel and plotted.

    • - Materials
      - Spectrums
      - Time functions
      - Time history results
    • Limit stops, bellows, slip joints and beams are now rendered. To render a beam the depth and width of the beam section must be specified.
    • Bug correction: For an elastic element the Z component of the local x axis was not saved properly.

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